Polyhymnia. Often depicted wearing white clothing, a natural choice for the color blind. Polyhymnia’s association with lyric poetry and harmony explains my harboring a sentimental jukebox.
She offers this song as proof:
In the misty moonlight
By the twinkling firelight
Everything is alright
Long as I’m with you
Dean Martin performed this but I believe Polyhymnia inspired him. 😊
A note from LoveLetterist:
You're invited.
Will you join our play?
What is your muse's name?
Does s/he have a color?
Will you share in comments?
Terpsichore and Euterpe will you show our friends how we play?
Will you please comment (in your muse voice) with a thought related to today's muse conversation?
Perhaps it could be some thing like: Terpsichore/Euterpe _________________. "__________________________."
An action and a few words from your muse?
Polyhymnia. Often depicted wearing white clothing, a natural choice for the color blind. Polyhymnia’s association with lyric poetry and harmony explains my harboring a sentimental jukebox.
She offers this song as proof:
In the misty moonlight
By the twinkling firelight
Everything is alright
Long as I’m with you
Dean Martin performed this but I believe Polyhymnia inspired him. 😊