Thalia tosses a crumb to a sugar seeker. “The aaaaaaaa-nts are waking up!”
“I’m on it!” Nia heads to the powder room closet in search of liquid bait.
“What we have here…” Calliope sneaks a bite of Tal’s snack, “… is a perspective lifter! Another opportunity to solve for X… making us the heroes of our own algebra.”
When we look at how much we’ve survived and the shoulders that we stand on, what’s not to be joyous about?
~ Ava DuVerney
If I were but a teeny ant,
I’d sneak a bite or two.
If I saw Nia can in hand,
Then I would have to shoo!
My sweet tooth wouldn’t let me just move along.
Now, back to solving equations with three unknowns... 🤓
“[H]eroes of our own algebra”! I love it! There’s gotta be an inspirational academic poster in that, somehow. (With or without math socks. 😉)