First, Typist read the article.
Next, Typist watched the video.
Then the non-muse inner-critic turned up her volume…
Who do you think you are in comparison to Olivia?
Two heart surgeries by age six — and then — aggressive cancer at age ten?
Her positive attitude is off the charts.
Your story is lame!
You’re a piker!
A cancer imposter.
Nobody needs your story… Why bother with another book?
“Stop it.” Urania scowled. “Now!”
“Shhhh--shhhhh-shh-shhhhh-shhhhh-shhhhhhhh!” Thalia sounded like a cross between a chainsaw and the washing machine’s spin cycle.
“Quiet please,” Calliope whispered. “I have something to add… Yes… comparison can be a thief of joy. Comparison can also act as a mirror — giving form to who we do, or do not, want to become. This world has room for the story of Olivia AND the story of Typist. Who knows? Perhaps one day the pair will perform magical math…
1+1 = 2 greater than the sum of its parts!”
Urania smiled. “They just did.”
If exploring Olivia, Make-a-Wish, and Sing Me A Story doesn’t touch your heart and make you want to be a better, stronger person…
go for a walk…
and read the story again.
Thanks to the muse’s pep talk we knocked out two more vignettes for… Vanquishing the Invader (?)… What do you think of that title?
Go become the hero of your story!
I like that title.
“Go become the hero of your story!” ~Typist
“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” ~Joseph Campbell
“Hidden within each of us is everything we need to achieve anything we can imagine.”
~Bobby Kountz, TheEarthHeARTist
Thank goodness, Mnemo and I were only in Wonderland for a few minutes with this one...
🐇 🕳️ 🐇