Thalia shakes spiders from their morning pursuit. “Yaaaaaah-hooooooooo! Roller blading — followed by a dirty monkey at the coffee shop. Book 4 is like a monkey off our backs! Paddle this afternoon?”
“Perhaps.” Nia adjusts her speed in anticipation of a road crossing — slight downhill, cracked pavement, and cars ahead. “How we transition — is as important as our projects.”
“We know… we know.” Cal pulls up next to Tal. “We anticipate edits. Last night, we took stock of Book 4’s artwork… and… we’re working on a caregiver presentation scheduled for mid-June.”
Tal squelches an urge to twirl in the intersection. “Our mind stays active… while our body moves.”
You must learn to be still in the midst of activity and to be vibrantly alive in repose.
~ Indira Gandhi
Congratulations!! Paddle boarding, roller blading, and PLAY to celebrate ALL your hard work. I am excited for you and cannot wait to hold the finished product in my hand.
What Billie said, Bobby echoed, and Gary implied 😊