“Sooooo glahhhh-dah we asked!” Thalia recalls yesterday’s conversation with Henny’s doctor.
“Yes.” Nia appreciates an opportunity to share the veterinary clinic’s story. “Many layers of creativity — and connection.”
Calliope smiles at the memory of a chicken winking at her from a hanging canvas. “A spoonful of sugar… helps the medicine go down.”
Visual storytelling of one kind or another has been around since cavemen were drawing on the walls.
~Frank Darabont
Create your own visual style… let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.
~Orson Welles
A note from LoveLetterist:
Henny had her annual check-up.
We're happy to report she is a lean, mean, healthy specimen of Labrador spirit and flesh.
A few years ago the clinic was remodeled. The new decor includes large canvas prints of animals. Absolutely captivating.
Yesterday we were in an exam room we never experienced before. I was eye-eye with a hedgehog, tortoise, lizard, and chicken. All the other rooms we've experienced have cats and dogs.
I asked the vet, "Where'd you guys get the canvases?"
"Oh, these are all pets of our employees. We had a photographer come in and photograph them on a Saturday. Some of them have crossed the rainbow bridge... which makes them extra special."
"Are your pets on the walls?"
"Actually...," she motions, "the hedgehog, now gone, was my daughter's. The tortoise is my son's. Our dogs and cat are in other rooms."
The whole idea of it made me feel... warm.
You know I’m one to - usually - proceed in an orderly manner. So I listened to you read from Wandering Words. That was delightful. Before I hiked back to this post I was dumbfounded! Once your reading ended, the voice of a different woman began reading another chapter from WW! The effect was like that of a warp in the Time-Space Continuum. 😳 My oldie iPhone has become glitchy with recent OS updates. To my knowledge, at least that updating hasn’t begun impersonating others! That I know of. AI perhaps???
I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you offered up author sidebar comments, which allowed me to decode the title of today’s LoveLetter. Perhaps an invitation to readers to do more than scratch the surface. 🐓 😉
You would be correct to guess that I searched both authors. I was unfamiliar with Frank Darabont’s work. His comment on cave art was 🎯.
While the name “Orson” rang a bell, my brain kept saying, “H.G.” for whatever reason. What struck me was that Orson’s reading of H.G. Welles’ “War of the Worlds,” not a movie, so moved the world. Indeed, Orson did enjoy a noteworthy career in films. Not bad for a lad from Kenosha. 😐
As has become my custom, you write up, I wake up, and receive a powerful dose of brain stimulants! Can’t thank you enough. 🙏🏽