“Painting penguins!” Thalia wiped her forehead, leaving a streak of black watercolor across her brow. “Whew—eeeeeeee! Harder than wrangling a reluctant Henrietta! That dog has got some will!”
“Paintist kept at it though — pulling in charcoal pencil and gel pen to add structure. It’s — presentable.” Nia scrunched her cheeks into an it-could-be-better face.
“Uuummmm… what’s that saying?” Calliope scratched her head. “Create an environment where it’s safe to fail… coupled with an expectation that you learn from your mistakes. We learn nothing when it’s all smooth belly slides on the ice?”
Words from Typist:
Creating today’s love letter has felt like I added too much water to the jello — and it refuses to take shape. 🤔
Must go now… Make pancakes and bacon.
Happy Sunday!
You might like today’s Farnam Street that relation-ships willpower with environment.
Does your environment support your growth?
The muse-wear shop is open for 3 more days, 14 hours, 32 minutes…
A rare sighting! A colony of Elvis Penguins, in Waukesha no less!!
Opting for pancakes and bacon over watery jello was a great strategic move. Otherwise unruly Muses could stand your day on its ear.
Billy Joel at this moment can be heard singing, “I love you just the way you are.” 😄 Wrapping arms around one’s torso and singing that is therapeutic. Happy rest of your day.
Well then, I would love to see “The Muse’s” version of what I’ve envisioned as “The Penguins; a Muse AND Picasso inspired painting.”
If Picasso had painted it, then I’m sure it would have simply been known as:
“Picasso’s Penguins”
Now it can be whatever you decide. A suggestion or, something tangible… ☺️