“I liked yesterday’s dancers better than today’s flower gazers.” Typist offered her opinion with a critical eye. “Not bad… And! there’s still plenty of room to improve.”
“The three Ps have served us well… with writing and other things. Like making flaky pie crusts.” Urania put away the scissors she’d used to upcycle a surgical mask into a flower. Scrolling video reels can lead to growth if you take action on what strikes your match. “Four Ps? Perseverance, Pluck, Persistence, Practice.”
“Five Ps.” Thalia brushed imaginary pollen from her knees. “Pollyanna. You forgot Pollyanna. I’m considering writing a dissertation on the child… so many misunderstand the power in her re-interpretation of circumstance and presence. Just this morning I read… ‘Another one of those Pollyannaish theories: it isn’t raining rain to me, it’s raining violets.’ The author of the article obviously hasn’t read the book or watched the film. That is NOT something our braided heroine would have said.”
Calliope nodded her agreement. “She might have said… ‘We can’t control the rain, but we can dance in it.’ Or, ‘Now we’ll get to take out our polka dot umbrella.’ Or, ‘The flowers will get a nice long drink from Mother Nature and I have time to play with my dolls.’”
Urania raised her brows. “Or… ‘Now that the pull to play under the sun has been dripped on, I can start my novella.”
“Novella?” Typist, Cal, and Tal tossed Nia a questioning look.
Nia shrugged. “As reader Gary reminded us via Bob Dylan song lyric… ‘(S)he who ain’t busy being born is busy dyin.’ And another friendly reader reminded us that starting something doesn’t mean you have to finish it. But! There is magic in the first step.”
Words from Typist:
I intend to embrace and advocate for the Queen of the Re-frame, Pollyanna Whittier, until I draw my final breath. 💜❤️💚
It’s almost Sunday! Something else to be glad about! (Consider the “proper” form: Something else about which to be glad. I still haven’t gotten my high school English teachers out of my head. Or my mother, also an English major.)
Nia’s quasi-origami surgical mask flower is a lovely touch! I sense the last infusion’s whammy has worn off, at least in a creative and writerly way. So glad to see. I hope you and the Muses have all sorts of fun up your sleeves today. CURE!
T-shirt: “If history repeats itself, I am SO getting a dinosaur.” 😁
Excellent upcycling of the face mask! 💚