Thalia scribbles furiously with ballpoint in their wire-bound notebook.
“Where’d that come from?” Nia reads the poem.
“I stood in line
at Christmastime
wanting to buy
earth and sky —
— so that I might
wrap, gift, and share
what LIFE offers
with grace…
and care.”
Thalia shrugs. “Saaaaan-tah?”
“Good things come…” Calliope grins with the excitement of one stepping into fresh territory, “… to those who work… and wait.”
The last thing I would like to offer you, at the invitation of your uncle, is to remember that success is a question of how you collect your minutes.
~Norman Lear
A note from LoveLetterist:
Cross my heart, I have no idea where today's rhyme bubbled from...
It puts me in mind of this reply to Virginia O'Hanlon's question:
The greatest gift we can give to ourselves?
Belief, Faith, Wonder and... dedicated work in that which we find meaningful.
What a lovely tree, LoveLetterist! As you tend to do, again you allowed your childlike wonder to shine through.
Your sharing of Norman Lear’s words of encouragement to a very young girl, to be read on her 21st birthday, is a powerful, uplifting message. The account of Virginia’s letter to her local newspaper, seeking reassurance that Santa is real, and the response she received, reminds us that faith in things unseen is vital to our lives.
Best wishes for your Holiday celebration, 2023! 🎄