“Awwwww! I had such high hooooo-pes!” The crunch from Tal’s chomp brings to mind fresh-picked, autumn Honey Crisp apples. “The melon we bought last week was — soft, jooooo-see, sweet — ripened to perfection.”
“Never win them all.” Nia straightens her skirt. “That’s why we play the game.”
Calliope shrugs… plucks, pops, and chews. “Mhmmm… The flavor is good… and it’s still nutritious.” She swallows, “I’m grateful for that!”
I’m with Cal on this one. The ‘lope in the hand is worth two in Mexico.
Lainey Wilson singing Rolling Stones, and the crisp enunciation of “cain’t” brought a smile to my face. 😉
Prophecy class? Where do we sign up? 😂