“If Typist’s sixth grade teacher were to read today’s love letter title — her hair would stand on end!” Thalia’s eyes radiated mirth. “A double negative AND the word ain’t — baaaahhhhh!”
Nia had no energy for Thalia’s taunt. “Better.” She peered intently at yesterday’s final handstand attempt. “Yet — the upper/lower body proportion is skewed. The handstander’s hands look like they’ve had a wrangle with a hot iron skillet. Why is there cabbage in the photo? And — is that — an orthopedic shoe or — a boot?”
“I agree… better than the cucumber-romper… draught-horse-cartwheel that was Painist’s first attempt.” The Muse of Harmony did her best to stifle a giggle. “Sorry Typist. The cabbage? Well… I checked the bin for shredded scraps from Paintist’s many attempts and couldn’t find them… cabbage is a stand-in.”
Words from Typist:
I aspire to improve my Drawist/Paintist skills so that:
I am a channel for God’s creativity, and my work comes to good.
As I create and listen, I will be led.
My creativity heals myself and others.
(nicked from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron)
The muses and I are grateful for every comment in our threads.
We read them all!
Going forward, we’re going to answer one question from the previous day’s thread here in Words from Typist.
An experiment! Yay!
Bobby asked: What if showing up “messy” became normal (whatever that is)?
My experience continues to teach me that showing up as-I-am is fun, freeing, and life-giving.
The muses and I aim to lead by example… making space for our readers to experiment for themselves — to find joy, freedom, and growth.
I am grateful to Val at Maple Avenue Apparel for creating the 3mm Apparel Shop. It's open until 11/16/22. Last Time I purchased a tank, v-neck tee, long sleeve tee, and a hoodie. All are excellent in quality.
Here's a link to the shop. If you're curious...
So many thoughts... so little time! As I read and observed today’s painting, “The Kick Inside” popped into my brain. (Of course we know it was there all along; just feed the sentimental jukebox some dimes!) “The what?” some might ask. Pop star Kate Bush’s first album in 1978 bore that title. #3 in England’s pop charts.
Why that? Both today’s post, with drawing, and Kate’s singing style possess a “kick” from inside. Author/painter/typer extraordinaire told us so near the bottom in the nick from “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron, ending with “My creativity heals myself and others.” An inside job. Striving to heal self and others☑️ Improving painting skills☑️ Working on both a new book and a host of other endeavors☑️ And no signs of pulling on the reins anytime soon.
Allow me to offer an idea on painting human figures: paint live models! Novice and accomplished painters alike used real human figures. Proportioning limbs near and far. Shadows when posed with the light just so. What curvatures appear when posed in a handstand? Jaw lines. Angle of feet to legs. (I think the nude models cost a bit more...)
Are there classes for which one model poses for several artists? YouTube classes? Zoom classes? I don’t think the Muses would object! Nia might even find cause for hope. Just imagine: real people in 3D, versus 2D representations inherently lacking in much detail.
Note: I don’t Zoom, much less do handstands, clothed or otherwise. 🤷🏽 When the student is ready... Fellow yoga class attendees? Or start PPOP. Painters Posing for Other Painters.
This rambling could easily merit “The Kick Aside!” 🙃