Calliope yawned and stretched. “Two nights in a row — up past our bedtime sketching and coloring.”
“A good sign,” said Nia. “Energy is flowing behind the endeavor.”
“With each attempt we get closer.” The Muse of Wit rummaged through her pockets and pulled out a balloon. “Hmmm… This could be useful.”
Words from Typist:
No “C” news.
Isn’t that wonderful?
Years ago I read Sarah Lewis’ book The Rise.
It’s one of those books that called to me from the shelf.
”Oh! Oh!” the sunrise on the cover called. “Pick me! Pick me!”
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve referenced notes I jotted with my #2 Ticonderoga.
Here’s one…
I still remembered the shudder when I sensed a knowing as sure as fact — that I might only become my fullest self if I explored and stayed open to moving through daunting terrain.
~Sarah Lewis
When I received our friend Marijke's newsletter this week I found myself astounded that her job is to draw things for others. Isn't that wonderful? If you'd like to see her her most recent comic, click here:
Hi there Paintist, Writist, Typist, and all the rest! Changing Thalia’s position to see if we’re paying attention? Just like you. 😁
Speaking of not paying attention, I wasn’t able to decipher your remark, “No C news.” Recent labs? You’re set for another cocktail next Thursday, right? And as always, wishing only the best for you!
Your ongoing pursuit of how best to represent the Muses is a continuing delight!
If this comment seems obscure, it may be! The quote from Sarah Lewis’ book brought to mind The 23rd Psalm. Loose wiring and all that...
Happy Friday, CURE!