“Creee-aaa-tiv-ih-eeeee,” Thalia pulls every tool from their box, “is like an um-brehl-ahhh!”
“Allowing us to travel —” Urania gazes out into a foggy morning.
“… regardless of,” Cal sips from her mug, “the weather. We belong… no matter what.”
But, luckily, he kept his wits and his purple crayon.
He made a balloon and he grabbed on to it.
~Crockett Johnson: Harold and the Purple Crayon
A note from LoveLetterist:
I received two gifts and I'd like to pass them along to you...
1. It's a mood.
It will pass.
(This is true for you and the people in your life. Sometimes the mood just needs to breathe.)
2. Stylistically, the lower postcard card in today's photo is not something I'd normally choose. A friend sent along this article from The Guardian. (It's feels so nice to be thought of. Who might you think of -- and let them know! -- today.
I wanted to give color blob art a go... and so I did.
It reminded me of the simplicity of Harold and the Purple Crayon book that I used to read to kindergarteners. Back then I don't think my adult mind fully grasped the concept of creating a world you want to live in.
It has taken me years of shedding unhelpful beliefs to reclaim my purple crayon.
Do you have yours?
This is great! 2 gifts! Xoxo