With a twist and a shout, Thalia made her feelings known. “I’m luv-ING these twistable paint crayons! So bright — and bold!”
“I suppose… they do… add sizzle and pop…” Calliope preferred softer tones, but recognized hers was not the only opinion at the table, “…when used… in certain… arrangements.”
Nią surveyed a table strewn with seemingly infinite implements. “Multi-faceted creation.”
The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well.
~ Horace Walpole
What a fun post today! Your sunflower illustrates beautifully Thalia’s bold remarks on the Mont Marte twistable colours. (Yeah, I did some digging to learn about these creative tools...) Please tell Calliope the twisty concept is also available in pastels, possibly softening the final look?!
This, to creator, painter, thinker, typer, I ask your help knowing what the area is on the side of the flower head. At first glance I guessed a family of leopard frogs, but I’m not so sure their spots would be black?! Or why they’d be on the flower head?
Nia’s assessment of the table covered with art supplies brought to mind the imperative during my son’s middle school years to use a “trapper-keeper” for certain school supplies. The name seems to be making a comeback (if not the exact configuration) so perhaps a couple of those would restore just the right degree of order! And some sport animal skin covers! 🐋🦓🐿
Pssst! Muses? If artist/drawist really enjoys the Twisty Colours for some of her artistic expression (and loves the smell of oil paint & thinner & gesso), Sennelier makes a compelling set of 36 colors in a very handsome box. This could be the perfect birthday present come Gail’s next bday!
But hurry, only one still in stock. And you’ll save about $283 off the original list price. “Which is,” you ask? Let’s not go there... And Henny might develop a breathing disorder from repeat exposure.
“Slava Ukraini” Because? Sunflower head.
T-shirt: “My soul mate is out there somewhere, I just know it… pushing on a PULL door…” 😁
So "twistable paint crayons," that's... wow. I feel like, if I were a kid again, I'd spend the first half of grammar school art class just staring at all the various tools, trying to figure out what looked good for that day.