Tal towels their watercraft. “I haaaaate the thought of putting the boooor-d in high-behhhr-na-shun.”
Nia considers. “Season isn’t over — until there’s ice.”
“Why do I feel…” Cal contemplates how she might grip a paddle while wearing mittens, “… like we’ve just raised the bar?”
Swim up stream.
~Sam Walton
A note from LoveLetterist:
There is a vignette in POISE that tells the story of my holy hunger for paddleboarding. I'm delighted that I heard and pursued the call.
Its October 3rd in Wisconsin. My neighbor and I enjoyed a long paddle on a local lake that's just starting to don its autumn bling. Ahhhh! The conditions were perfect -- no wind and unseasonably warm temps. Let me see if I might push myself to get out one more time in "real" October. 😉 What's the worst that can happen?
Tell us... Where are you stretching? Swimming up stream?
Another perspective on swimming or paddling upstream...
Wu Hsin wrote, "One gains the power of the river when one swims in the direction of its flow."
The Lost Writings of Wu Hsin: