Calliope stood and brushed loose dirt from her knees. “Peas are up!” The Muse of Harmony had leaned a panel with wire mesh against a spruce stump — as a trellis for the climbing crop. Even though she was disappointed that a blight took out five towering evergreens that once grew on the hillside, she was excited to see what kind of vegetables might thrive in the reclaimed sunny spot.
Urania watched her garden loving friend through an open window. She’d just read a short meditation about the victory gardens grown during WWII. The piece pointed out that gardens today are an affordable luxury available to almost anyone inclined to try. In support of Cal’s efforts she called, “Fantastic! I love snap peas.”
Thalia appeared from only-heaven-knows-where. She wore flowers in her curls, grapevine weaved into a belt, and… she was using tiny pinecones to separate her toes for a pedicure? She scrutinized the spreading squash and zucchini creepers. “We’re gonna have pumpkins to carve in October!” The Muse of Wit wiggled her eyebrows. “Just like Mother Nature… we collect what serves our growth. Sun, rain… nutrients from the soil. Then we turn it into something new — our love letters!”
Words from Typist:
C has been demoted to “c”. 🎉
Many thanks to Bobby who suggested the shift in his comment yesterday.
Anything you might look at from a new posture today?
Three cheers for small c!
“Just like Mother Nature… we collect what serves our growth. Sun, rain… nutrients from the soil. Then we turn it into something new — our love letters!”
What if we adopted the pace of nature? Emerson reminded us her secret is patience... What are you hurrying trough or pushing past to get to the next thing? What if we learned to be fully engaged in whatever activity was in front of us, instead of going through the motions as we are already thinking about what’s next? What if you gave yourself permission to be fully present as you washed the dishes, swept the floor, or chopped up vegetables for the dish you’re creating for dinner? What if? #WhatIfWednesday 😎
What if you decided “C” was no longer worthy of the stature it had originally been granted? Then maybe, 🤔 “c” would be what it is, whatever we decide it will be. Each of us get to decide for ourselves. That’s the beauty of perspective.
My friend Michael regularly reminds us that all of life’s events are neutral until we label them...
Life happens... what we choose to do with what happens is up to us! 😊