“Our best course of action when grumpy shows up,” Urania capped her purple gel pen, “… is to invite him in and offer a cup of tea.”
“And,” Thalia tied Typist’s bandanna, “to tell our readers he’s visiting. We have the best readers in the whole wide world. They seem to be able to pull us up out of whatever holes we’ve let our collective mind drop into.”
“Like our friend klm who asked, ‘If we have seven dwarves, why not seven fairies, too? Sparkly? Feisty? Frisky?’” said Calliope.
“Or IL, who shared a tip she picked up in the book she’s currently reading… Limitless. Instead of asking questions like… Why must I feel so awful? or How come Grumpy refuses to leave when his tea is gone? What if our questions shifted toward possibility?”
Urania cleared her throat. “We know somebody who wrote a book about that!”
Typist dabbed the laughter tears rolling down her cheeks and asked, “Questions like… What can I do while resting? or What kind of tea will send Grumpy on his merry way?”
Thalia added, “As BK oft repeats… The thinker thinks and the prover proves. How and what we think can shift reality.”
A word from Typist/Paintist:
A horse?
A horse!
I received so many generous replies in response to yesterday’s letter.
Thank you.
One reader offered a suggestion that might be helpful for readers who are new to 3musesmerge and/or readers who process information visually. AF wondered if I might include a short reminder of the muses names and personalities with each letter sent.
Fabulous idea!
What a generous way to help readers keep up with which muse is which… They can be a little confusing?
I will work on a graphic today.
Okay. I know I'm double dipping today. (Huge eyeroll!) I want to tell you about a friend that drinks "warcoffee." (Eyes popping out of their sockets!) Relevance? Yaroslava Antipina, citizen of Ukraine/World is someone I've started following on Twitter. She shares her experiences in Kyiv, and now a small town northwest of there, as a way to seek connection with the world. She keeps a journal labeled #warcoffee and plans to see if she can publish it after the war. Why her? I think she embodies the skills paintist/typist shares and teaches in her own posts. Rather than moaning, "There's a war here," she notes the birds singing a Spring concert to her outside her window. She enjoys the simple joys of cherry flavored coffee from a shop in the small town where she is now. She notes that 700 shelters (not schools) in Kyiv have re-established WiFi so the children can resume their studies. And notes that her son's teacher let her know that there would be no charges for her instruction until "things are better." Yaroslava is no PollyAnna. Realistic yet hopeful. Grounded yet easily spots the good in her day. Asks her followers to send a picture of their coffee or tea cups for a sort of tea party. Big girl style. She'll mention sirens wailing or blasts off in the distance, but doesn't dwell on that part of her current life. Sort of an "is." The big deal of this for me is that our own fearless teacher, Gail, has kindled a better sense of the importance of developing a positive approach, and using it, in our daily lives. Looking for the good in others. Catching ourselves in the act of being Grumpy for no reason, looking for the place from which it springs, then starting over with a better outlook. I'm beyong grateful for all the connections here in 3mm and the world at large that Gail has facilitated for me. END
I love that suggestion. I admit to being a little forgetful about who is who. (Not you, Gail!)