Tal pouts as she brushes glue along the edges of her beloved milkshake cut-out. “I dohhhhn-t wahhhnt to let it gooooooo!”
“Can you…” Cal lifts Tal’s chin with gentle fingers, “… think of it… as sharing?”
Nia feels pride in their quirky creation. “Who knew — we could make things like this?”
Holding on is believing that there’s only a past; letting go is knowing that there’s a future.
~Daphne Rose Kingma
You only struggle because you’re ready to grow but aren’t willing to let go.
~Drew Gerald
A note from LoveLetterist:
I really did love that magazine milkshake cut out. 😂
It's gone now.
Mailed yesterday.
This morning my Dad's coming over and we're crossing the border into Illinois for his Aunt Lue's 100th birthday party.
How cool is that?
I once talked with her via phone when she was 96. She told me about her work welding ships during WWII. How when her husband, Uncle Howard, came home from the Navy he became quite ill. He had TB and spent years in a sanatorium -- without the invention of Streptomycin he likely would have died.
How quintessentially perfect that today’s art appears not on a post card, but on puzzle pieces. A grand metaphor for our inability to control our futures, which in no way prevents us from fully embracing our present.
Your depiction of the Muse community offers a look at how an emotionally intelligent community might function. Not like trained parrots at all. Rather the regard for one another, and allowing space/love for the others, to live their truest selves.
I’ll close by saying that this follower is grateful for the themes you provide for seeking and living in harmony.