“Anticipation… Annnn…ti…si… pa-a-a-a…shun.” Tahlia sang as she ruffled through t-shirts, found just the right one, and pulled Typist’s only concert shirt from her drawer.
“I know our tastebuds are off,” Calliope whispered to Nia, “Please tell me she’s not going to put slow-pouring ketchup on our French toast.”
“No ketchup,” Nia smiled. “I’ll tie her up if she tries.” Nia winked. “She’s anticipating tonight’s concert. Remember the tickets Typist received as a Christmas gift?”
“Oh! WeBanjo3… That’s tonight? We better encourage a nap this afternoon. Typist is feeling sleepy.”
A word from Typist:
A friend introduced me to WeBanjo3 a couple of years ago. Not only do I enjoy their sound… their lyrics speak to my heart and soul.
What a joy it will be to see them live!
Did Greg have any idea the size of your entourage for this night out?
Dinner for over a dozen! (Counting the two of you, the Muses, and a host of followers) One check or separate?
I’ve got the tip! Here it is: keep up the ice cream therapy if scrumptious cheesecake is not available. 😁
A concert--what fun! Juts what the doctor ordered, I'm sure. Let the music fill your soul!