“Me liiiiyk painting colorful skies — Yabba-dabba-dooooo!”
Nia chooses not to question Tal’s playful, Flinstonean language. “Very nice. I appreciate the synchrony between a rising sun, rising birds, and a book titled The Rise.”
“As long as we’re all at it…” Calliope multiplies their Wednesday morning joy-a-thon, “I like… blue skies, hot cinnamon tea, and… the both of youse.”
There is a hope that I have for you, too. It is the hope that you go through life trusting and not wary. If you go through life trusting, you may get hurt just a little bit more, but you will never miss any of the action. If you go through life a little too wary, you may not get stepped on here and there, but you will miss far more than you will avoid.
~Norman Lear
I still remember the shudder when I sensed a knowing as sure as fact — that I might only truly become my fullest self if I explored and stayed open to moving through daunting terrain.
~Sarah Lewis: The Rise
A note from LoveLetterist:
For reasons unknown, shows from my childhood are top-o-mind (veg-o-matic anyone?) this morning.
I loved both the Flinstones and Archie Bunker.
As an adult, I appreciate Norman Lear's (Archie's creator) brilliance in raising our human awareness and evolution while employing humor and compassion.