“Whew!” Calliope had beads of sweat on her brow. “Thank goodness for conversation between Gary and Karen on the thread from a few days ago — encouraging Paintist to try her hand at creating a lobster.”
“Right?” Thalia was on the floor in a forward bend, attempting to meld her thighs with her abdomen. “When we’re feeling flatter than a sheet of copy paper, it’s great to know our readers have our backs!”
Mocking a newspaper editor, Urania tried out a headline, “Paintist Saved from Steaming Pot.”
“Questionable,” Tal and Cal said in unison. “But we’ll take it.”
A word from Typist:
Occasionally I have too much — or too little happening — too much or too little inspiration?… to feel like I can arrange words worthy of reading on the screen. Today I feel a little of both.
I’m in a holding pattern with C… since treatment was cancelled last week. I’m very curious to learn what my bone marrow has been up to on its chemo break, and hopeful there will be an infusion this coming Thursday.
This morning I pulled a book from my shelf that I’d set aside almost a year ago. A bookmark rests at about the 1/3 mark of Wonderworks: The 25 Most Powerful Inventions in the History of Literature. IIRC… I stopped reading when I got carried away by writing Meandering Muses… I didn't have enough room in my head for both books at the same time. I was taking notes from the book on a legal pad. Thumbing through them this morning… this stands out:
This distinction between realism and pessimism, like all of our right brain’s arguments, is very convincing. But here’s the flaw with it: no part of our brain can see things realistically. Our brain is too small, and the world to vast. The closest we can get to truth is a balance between the caution of our right hemisphere and the optimism of our left. So, when our mind gets out of balance, tipping us into a despairing funk, our wisest option is to lift ourselves back to center.
~Angus Fletcher
Thank you readers for keeping me and the muses from despair… inviting us to play with creating a funky, Leona lobster.
How can we make today feel like play?
Finishing my taxes? 🤣 I’m always glad for what your brain comes up with. The reverse may not always be true. 🤔😬
Go! Immune system!! CURE!
BUTTON: “Have you hugged your dragon today?” 😁
Not sure if that feels like play — depends on the dragon, I guess — but I’ve been waiting for a chance to use that button.
I brought a dragon collection into our marriage; Deb brought a doll collection. Although “collection” implies more order than we have implemented. One Of These Days I intend to document both collections, before we have to break them up when we downsize to an old folks home.
Or maybe we’ll just re-prioritize…