Tal’s feathers ruffle and her voice rises above soprano. “Sooooo mihhhhs-uhn-drrrrr-stood!”
Nią reads aloud. “We can’t live our lives in ignorance and bliss… like a rosy Pollyanna-themed dream.” Another blogger has throws Pollyanna Whittier’s genius under the bus.
Calliope massages Thalia’s cheeks with an emphasis on the upturn at the lips. “Let us remind ourselves… we only control the weather… ummmm… the weather… inside.”
Nia nods. “Well said. That — is where our power lies.”
“Riyyyyyt!” Tal remembers. “Now let’s see… There’s got to be summmm-thing to be glad about — I’M GLAD WE CAN SEE THE CHILD’S BRILLIANCE!”
When you look for the bad in people expecting to find it, you surely will.
~Abraham Lincoln
A note from LoveLetterist:
Even the dictionary defines Pollyanna as: an excessively cheerful or optimistic person.
We understand.
The word has become removed from the true spirit of the character.
The truth we see is that Pollyanna's ability to reframe negative thinking not only transformed her life, but the lives and connections within an entire community.
She was really that powerful!