A drop of peach juice hung from Thalia’s chin. She scribbled her index finger across her forehead. “Mhmmmm…. mmmm.”
Urania handed the Muse of Wit a napkin. “What are you doing?”
“I’m making a mental note. Haven’t you seen Typist write with imagination?” Tal set the unasked-for-napkin down, captured the stray juice droplet with her thumb, and popped it between her lips. “Almost every piece of un-ripe fruit Typist buys at our regular grocery — peaches, plums, pears — ripens to perfection on our countertop. That doesn’t always happen with fruit from other stores. There’s a method — picking at the right time, temperature control, and who knows what else? Our produce manager’s got it going on!”
“And you’re making a note to send a note? Or… to stop at the service desk to pass along our appreciation?” Calliope asked.
Through a mouth full of peach Tal replied, “Exactly!”
Words from Typist:
I did not purchase standard markers yesterday… I bought watercolor markers. Thirty-six colors! Together we are on a learning curve of creation.
I also figured out how to scan my physical drawings into computerized PDF images.
Here’s an example of yesterday’s practice. Don’t mind Tal’s crazy eyelashes… I learned that even a fine point marker is too thick for facial features. Onward! We’ll be in 3mm t-shirts before summer’s end. 🤩
Seems like those super long, thick eyelashes are trendy nowadays. She fits right in. Enjoy the fruit. We can't have anything but strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and occasionally blueberries on this darn keto diet. And then when we do have strawberries and blackberries it is only 2 or 3 at a time. We have to keep the carbs under 20 grams a day. Not an easy task.
MUG: “Nothing messes up your Friday like finding out it’s only Tuesday.” 😁
They make watercolor markers? My lovely wife, in her alter ego as "Aunt Debbie," will be ordering some of those for future use. (Especially after she saw how the muses came out in your latest rendering. You got a "WOW!")