Thalia sighs. “I feeeeeeel flat. My brain is off key. We’ve been up and at ‘em since 4:50 — AAAAAAA-MMMMMM!”
Nią reads from Discipline Equals Freedom. “Self-discipline, as the very term implies, comes from the SELF. YOU. It comes when you make a decision to be disciplined. When you make a decision to be better.”
“And we’ve decided to be better…,” Calliope pulls a popsicle from the freezer and hands it to Thalia, “… so we sing… whether we want to… or not.”
Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing , the dawn will come.
~ Anne Lamott
Loveletterist?! Was rising at 4:50 a.m. the result of discipline?
I’m eager t learn more about “practicing scales” and singing! I await with baited breath ... 😬
I'm curious what is in need of improvementr? Sleep habits? Self-discipline? (Um, for the author of 3 and soon to be 4 books?) Singing? I'll let Gail and the girls make that assessment!