Thalia hits send and words travel the airwaves.
“A flotilla of fabulous females?” Nia squints. “Who talks like that?”
“Wheeeeeee do!”
Calliope watches a battle for the tube feeder. A squirrel hangs from its rear paws. Chickadees zoom in and out with an awareness that their time will come. A chippy collects the fallen from the mulch. “I love how we talk… I love who we are… Is there anything better than that?”
The best part of being authentic is that there is no image to maintain. You will delight some and disturb others, and none of it will concern the truth of your being.
~ Unknown
My friend Jay Armstrong over at Write On, Fight On wrote about the gargantuan number of blog posts that come out daily. Have I told you lately how grateful I am that you are here? There are a lot of choices out there and yet here we are... together.
Thank you to all of the readers who comment on my burgeoning artwork. Your encouragement inspires me to keep going.
<cough> I try to limit my comments on artwork to "I like it! 😊" because I get caught up in irrelevant minutia. Like, "The sunglasses definitely make that sketch... is it because the eyes stay mysterious, or just sunglasses are cool?... wait, what holds up the sunglasses, the ears are in the wrong place... it's a cartoon, it's fine, it's fine..."
I like it! 😊