“🎶 You’ve got to know when to hold ‘em,” Thalia sang into her her thumb.
“Know when to fold ‘em 🎶,” Calliope joined in.
“🎵 When to fold ‘em!” Urania added her voice.
“Know when to walk away 🎶,” Thalia kept crooning, “… know when to run.”
Typist had a serious case of the giggles. “Shush! I can see the pencils and I are not in sync this morning. Attempt one… baby wolf. Attempt two… scaredy cat. And attempt number three, even at this early stage, is growling — grrrrrr… brown bear.”
“Thanks for the inspiration Catherine Rayner,” Thalia called into the spring morning. “You’ve nothing to fear from our copycat.”
A word from Typist:
Yesterday’s baby bird flowed through my hands with such ease.
This morning… ugh!
I choose joy in my effort.
I’ve packed up the pencils.
I’m off to rid the household surfaces of a yellow pollen haze with Kenny Rogers and a smile in my heart.
Do you know what to throw away and what to keep?
We're moving Gail so your song is perfect for my current life - an endless sort, keep and throw exercise!
I love your attempts! I think the scaredy cat looks great.