“A-dooooooooor-able!” Thalia scrolls for inspiration. “We have fresh flowers on the table! Let’s nick this one! Can we-caaaan-we?”
“Yes. Let’s play.” Nia points Tal toward the vase and Cal toward the art supplies. “Off you go —” She sighs, and rests her overflowing head on the table.
“To everything… there is a season…” Cal grins. “I really like… recess season.”
I slept and dreamt life was joy.
I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold, service was joy.
~ Rabindranath Tagore
“A-dooooooooora-ble indeed!”
I haven’t sworn a vow of silence exactly. (oh, please let him, please. The shadows murmured)
You’ve turned a flower stem into a broom handle for starters. Magic a plenty. So I choose to observe the details and words comprising the whole.
Sensing a bit of Nia-ness, consider some Cal-idocious?!
A glorious “nick!”
Love it!
Stole the quote too!