Urania’s nose wrinkles. Deep lines, built over a lifetime, reveal themselves around her eyes. “One! Of all that is now linked — we are only responsible for one connection.”
“An x-pearrrr-i-ment!” Thalia runs her fingers through Loveletterist’s mane whose locks now sport café au lait, kissed-by-the-sun hairs among the grays. “We knew our human had little energy for jigsaws when we made the purchase — and yet — we are learning so much!”
Calliope watches chickadees dart betwixt tube feeder and cedar tree. “Yes… paying attention we’ve observed...”
Thalia’s enthusiasm bubbles over. “— we live among those who doooooo have energy for — and are quite skilled at — connecting the inanimate.”
“Our energy and skills are attracted to the realms of words, images, and behavior —” Nia calls as she heads off to investigate Henny’s barkhowlbarkbarkbark.
“Ever since the beginning… to keep the world spinning…” Calliope anticipates the sweetness of a ripening cherry tomato, “… it takes all kinds of kinds.”
And while eating a black-raspberry muffin I recognize I could write an entirely different ending to this story if I wanted to. There is a scenario in which I could will and muscle myself into completing the puzzle. Doing so would likely teach me something and I would grow as a result. Maybe I could even teach myself to love jigsaws.
Everything can be this; everything can be that. ~ Chang Tzu
Is everything “true”?
“True peace is not the absence of conflict, but the profound understanding of its roots.” ~ Will Herens
“And today’s LoveLetter, filled with enigmas!”
“...we are only responsible for one connection.” Finding and attaching a puzzle piece? Finding and nurturing our connections with self/essence? Our connection with Great Spirit?
“... our human had little energy for jigsaws... and we are learning so much.” Is an excess of energy the explanation? Has Loveletterist discovered she has an eye for what fits where? Many hands make light the work?
Miranda Lambert: “Ever since the beginning, to keep the world spinning... it takes all kinds of kinds.” By now you must think I’m a dummy! (I get this one! 😉)
In all fairness - to you - life by its nature can be ambiguous. Sometimes disorientingly so. And can be surprisingly delightful. A young neighbor girl, eleven-ish, just rang our doorbell to ask if she could walk Izzie? They’ve gotten to know each other well in recent months. When I put on her walking collar with retractable leash, I saw joy abounding! Both in Calista and Izzie. Being flexible and open to possibilities can bear wonderful fruit! Even cherry tomatoes. 😁