Calliope pushed a pile of peas around her plate.
“Errrrrr-th to Cal!” Thalia teased. “Where are uuuuuuuuuuu?”
“I can’t decide… what flavor of ice cream… for dessert?”
Urania rolled her eyes. “Vanilla.”
Tal rubbed her palms together. “A banananananananana split with extra whipped cream and — salllllllll-ted pecans.”
Cal stabbed at peas with her fork. “Ugh… feeling stuck… stinks.”
We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong.
The amount of work is the same.
~ Carlos Castaneda
Plain Ice Cream Please!
Voiced by Bobby Kountz
You and “The Girls” are gracious souls... 🙏🏼🕊️🙏🏼
So grateful for the teamwork of the 3mm team! As a child I avoided banana splits. They seemed to complex, too many flavors to savor, and bananas had no business hanging out with ice cream of any flavor! A bunch of nonsense if you ask me...
Fancy ice cream consisted of caramel or butterscotch topping on vanilla. Occasionally hot fudge. No nuts. No cherries. No whipped cream. An act of self deprivation. 🙃
As a reader of Castaneda’s books I found the quote of his you selected on target.
One final question: does “Out Of Clutter” describe your overall state of mind today, or describe only your drawing? Was the drawing intended to be sparse and less richly detailed than usual, or merely a stopping point while preparing for an appointment or zoom call? A friend used to create all manner of sculptural works. For a time he experimented with deconstruction. One time he produced four or five iterations of “decay” of what first was a well formed and detailed human head. The final iteration was not much more than the skull with some teeth still in the jawbones.
Likely not a good undertaking given Cal’s sensibilities. 🤔. Happy snow! ❄️🌨