“Gloooo-wreee-us!” Thalia stages a photo showcasing delectable delights.
Urania savors the hot fudge creativity of a familial chef-in-training. “Yesterday was National Ice Cream Day. What an addition to our scoop of vanilla!”
“Scoop-sssssssss!” Tal believes honesty is a healthy policy.
“I feel… heart-tickled!” Calliope squeezes a fallen bloom that snaps open in response. “What an honor to be gifted the second arrangement created by our neighbor… who is not only presenting… but growing her garden, too…”
Nia notes the decadent detail of a well-crafted Kraft label. “Hmmm… We can learn from this.”
Creativity is intelligence having fun.
~ Albert Einstein
"Still Life in Garden Flowers and Fudge Sauce" — I like it!
(That happened badly.) The inadvertent send. 🤷🏽 I believe that was a great characterization of you, your writing, and the mark you are leaving with so many! I’d say you and The Muses made out like bandits.