Calliope placed one hand over her heart and the other over her lips. Through her fingers she whispered. “Thalia… Can you please take it down a notch?”
Busy taping and stapling cardstock into a makeshift megaphone, the Muse of Wit was in her element. “No. I cannot.”
Nia found herself in an unusual role — today she was tasked with finding harmony between the energies of a piccolo and oboe.
Words from Typist:
Do you remember a month or so back when the muses and I expressed a desire to create a 3musesmerge t-shirt?
YOU helped us in exploring a design options. Thanks for that!
I recently read that there is a difference between a desire and a holy hunger. My interpretation is that desires are often short-term comforts… like eating two brownies when you know one is enough to satisfy… simply eat it like the tortoise instead of the hare.
A holy hunger on the other hand is something your soul wants you to do because it will help you grow. In my experience, that’s way more delicious than a brownie!
With the help of Val from Maple Avenue Apparel, my holy hunger for 3mm-wear is a reality! When Thalia urged me to stop into the business that’s within miles from my house, Calliope clung to the car door. Urania was quick with her logical reasoning and wheedling. Thankfully, the Muse of Determination got us all through the door.
Within moments of sitting down at the table with Val, I could feel the Universe patting me on the back. Have you ever felt that? The energy of stepping in a positive direction?
Without further adieu… Here is a link to the 3mm apparel store.
Check, check check it out! 🎉
(Thalia strongly requests you click on the green link above. She’s growing fiercer by the day. Whee!)
Oh! And if you have another 30 seconds, check out this complimentary sentiment from the great painter Van Gogh:
Sweat shirt: “I’M COLD! — ME 24:7” 😁
We bought a sweatshirt for our niece, because why not? And she can give a 20-something West Coast review (I warned her already). 💚