“Wheeeeeee —” Thalia peeps into the past, “had a bahhh-tahn!”
Nia recalls their ineptitude with a rubber-capped metal stick. “And the scars to prove it.”
“No matter…” Cal sees little-girl-LoveLetterist standing against the gym wall… waiting to be picked. “We’ve got our own team now!”
The wound is the place where the light enters you.
Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.
~Kahlil Gibran
A note from LoveLetterist:
As a kid...
my physical prowess
I didn't learn
how to properly
throw a ball
until my son was learning.
I still have lots
of misfires
Henny's toys
in the yard.
Funny how childhood hurts live in our brains?
A gift
guiding us
to our gifts.
Amen to that. I played field hockey. The baton was more of a weapon. I could not get the hang of it.