Thalia springs out of bed. “Nuuuuuuuu day! Let us at it!”
Nia sits up and gathers her bearings. “Sunday. What’s in our calendar square?” She heads downstairs to fill the pot and grind the beans.
Calliope stretches and takes stock of how she feels. “Not bad… not bad at all.”
The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
~ Socrates
Rubbing eyes! At first seeing typist about to execute a Tal twirl!
A quick question on the mechanics of walking all those steps: unless you were climbing Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway To Heaven,” how did the accumulation of steps happen. Walk up then walk down, then begin a new up sequence? (assuming only up-steps counted) Or a ginormous slide to the ground level?
A year ago, scarves were en vogue, this year a head of hair. Scarves or hair, you can be sure, she shows her savior faire! 😁
With Socrates’ advice in mind, what is in today’s square? Often called a “Day Of Rest,” is “rest” even penciled in today? Have you long since been on a Henny walk about, perhaps to the dog park? Crafting new modules for Book IV? Chalking out the badminton court for doubles play? (you and the Muses)
Plenty of new to build. Let’s at it!
Stadium steps! Ouch! Shorter, yes, but that just means overriding muscle memory while climbing. And descending. At speed.
Good job, dear lady! 💚