Urania’s a critical eye took in Drawist’s attempt to kickstart her creativity. “Hm! What is it?”
“Oh c’mon Nia. Isn’t it ahhhhbviiiousss?” Thalia sang. “It’s the King of the Jungle, looking to his right — left?” The Muse of Wit turned her body to mimic the lion. “Right!!!”
“He surely has… a thick and wild mane,” said Calliope. “While Typist was cleaning out her photo album she came across a screen shot she took back in, ummm… April. Wow… five months ago.”
“Brilliant!” Tal exclaimed. “Better delayed than never!”
Words from Typist:
This morning with my Listening Circle we shared our thoughts on the following question:
What first steps do you need to take to rise above the earthly struggles and pain?
I find myself wondering about the courage it takes to become aware of (and to be honest about?) the role I play in my outcomes. 🤔 How might I change myself so that my struggles become my joy?
(Thanks to Katie Flowers and The Storyteller Oracle cards that often inspire our Listening Circle conversations!)
“Better delayed than never!” , thank you Thalia.
"How might I change myself so that my struggles become my joy?" My daughter and I have a joke, "English such a terrible language". It's said in reference to all sorts of things that the English language muddies or mangles. Do struggles become (transform) into joy? Do struggles inherently have something negative and become (different outcome) positive (joy)? Are struggles and joy mutually exclusive?
Lately, I've been having contemplating connection. Broadly speaking, if suffering is universal - e.g. earthly struggles, need to be challenged, desire to thrive, problems in the path to achievement - then that seems to me like **the** place to connect to one another. If we all struggle against suffering or if we struggle against problems of our own making e.g. learning a new hobby, then isn't the struggle and the joy in the same place? I have no clarity on the questions. I'm struggling with it.
I am now inspired to share a saved image with Typist of not just one, but two of these regal creatures side by side… 🦁🦁