“Does everybody have magic inside of them?” Cal the Questioner asked.
Urania didn’t look up from perusing a never ending scroll of attire selections. She did offer an affirmative nod.
“Yes!” Tal shouted. In support of her enthusiastic answer, she lifted Typist’s arms into the air, shaping them into a V for victory. “When the scarecrow, lion, and tin man work in tandem — errr… brain, courage, and heart — why a person becomes unstoppable.”
“The secret lies in building a life on the gifts you give… and allowing the get to take care of itself,” Nia held up her screen to show her friends a photo of LST254-Ladies Hooded Pullover. “What do you think?”
“I think…” Cal sighed, “… that I’m grateful for the broken road that led Typist to start writing, drawing, and painting. If somebody had asked her about such skills just six years ago, she would have said she wasn’t good at any of them — and she really wasn’t.”
“But!” Thalia continued, “When she allowed herself to try them… Well, when Typist writes, draws, paints, and takes photos, she feels energized. She has a desire to learn and improve. There is no line between work and play. She moves within her magic, and the next step appears.”
Words from Typist:
Only two chemo infusions remain!
My blood was good enough this morning.
I was infused.
Watching Small Town Wisconsin on the big screen fascinated me. Much of the film was shot within 10-25 miles of my house. What a thrill to see the water that I swim in offered to a greater audience.
The muses and I have a collaborator for our t-shirt project!
Her name is Val and she’s ahhhhhh-mazing.
She knows shirts. She knows printing. She knows how to create an online store.
Stay tuned!
Keep those arms up in a V, Gail. (I'm sure Tal will help you.) It sounds like very soon, C will be history, and V will reign!
MUG: “YOU say Thursday. I say Friday Eve.” 😁
“And remember, my sentimental friend, that a heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much *you* are loved by others.” 💚