“Do you think there will be cake?” Thalia’s pitch sounded like a nectar drunk swarm of bumbles. “With buttercream frosting?”
Typist lamented… and celebrated her current distaste of sweets. This #cancergift carried a scissors — severing her mindless habit of unchecked treat nibbles and gobbles. She gazed through the patio door glass at circular patterns. Every drop rippled outwards as rain splashed into pooled puddles on deck boards.
She wondered what she might say to her friend — who’d been plotting and planning today’s outdoor wedding shower for months — when she arrived.
What is the possibility that this is?
“Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me!” Calliope waved a hand. “We’ll focus on complimenting the decorations and food.”
Urania sat up straight. “Not one word about how sorry we are about the rain.”
“And…” Tal winked, “We’ll say we heard showers on the day of a wedding shower predict a long and joyful marriage.”
Urania raised an eyebrow. “Well… We don’t know that that’s true. But! We also don’t know that it’s untrue. I like it!”
Words from Typist:
I have this young (29 year old) friend that I meet with via Zoom.
Our lived experiences are very different.
Talking with him broadens my perspectives.
One gift that he introduced me to is Summer by Joe Hisaishi.
Music is God’s voice.
~Brian Wilson
MUG: “It’s Saturday. I plan on doing nothing. And plenty of it.” 😁
(Actually, we’re in NYC with a group tour to see two Broadway shows, “6” and “Music Man.” Still, general principle applies!)
I should add, I liked the vibe about a rained upon outdoor wedding shower. Redundancy?