Fat, warm tears rolled down Calliope’s cheeks. “Why Typist?”
“Why not Typist?” Urania asked in return. “Nobody believes more firmly that life is not — will not — ever be fair. Unique experiences all around.”
“Aren’t those ceiling tiles awesome?” asked Thalia. “We should try to paint a night sky… with lots of stars. Yes?”
“Maybe later,” Urania replied. “How about this afternoon… after the MRI. Something we can look forward to?"
“Okay,” Thalia slouched.
“I’m afraid…” Cal sniffled. “We’ve not had much positive experience around the C word. Typist has an entire lifetime of negative inputs and fear stories.”
“Well then… You’ve just named our possibility.” Thalia straightened her spine. “We’ll write a different story about cancer… a better story. We can be honest about our feelings and still find the collateral beauty… Like the ceiling tiles.”
“And the gentle caregivers who led Typist through the biopsy,” added Urania. “Thank you Dr. Bergen, Leah, and Kristen. Can we bring them copies of our books?”
“And chocolate!” Thalia twirled. “Let’s bring them chocolate.”
Typist here…
It’s true.
My reality is that I have been diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma. Today the trio and I get to experience our first MRI, and tomorrow we’ll meet with a surgeon.
Two challenges: I am drama averse and I hate conflict. Can’t get much more conflicting than an invasive carcinoma growing over my heart? Ugh!
As for the drama… many of you have been with me for long time. You’ll understand that I have no choice but to write about my experience… It’s how I process life. I will not turn 3musesmerge into a Hallmark movie, but rather hope to share my perspectives, while making the best with what I’ve been given.
If you know of anybody else walking with “C” (Maybe we could give it a better name? I’m open to suggestions!) who might appreciate Cal, Tal, and Nia’s thoughtful approach, please share us.
A few friends have thoughtfully asked, “What is the best way in which we can support you?”
After some thought, here’s what I came up with…
You can help by… sharing funny and/or uplifting messages, video clips, and photos. Help me to keep my thoughts in the light.
The past, present, and future walked into a bar together. It was tense. 🤪
💚💚💚💚💚 & {*{*{*hugs*}*}*} dear lady!
I sometimes am flummoxed to create my own funny and/or uplifting messages. I will choose to hold you in the light, for strength and healing. And sometimes laughter!