Calliope turned up the volume.
Mission Impossible’s theme music wound itself around the muses.
“I CANNOT believe I’m going to say this,” Urania’s halting speech captured everyone’s attention.
The Muse of Determination looked the Muse of Wit squarely in the eyes. “Now, more than ever, we need you to take the lead. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to keep us on the edge — experimenting, eclectic, and enthusiastic.”
Typist waited for what might come next.
Henrietta perked up her ears and tilted her head to the right.
Non-plussed, Thalia blew a bubblegum bubble the size of a baseball. “Sure, no problem.”
Calliope scratched her cheek. “Like just now… exploring Substack’s audio feature and inserting music into our post. That’s SO COOL! Thanks for dipping our toes into unfamiliar water.”
Thalia grinned and shrugged.
Urania made a note in Typist’s journal: Research sound quality issues.
Words from Typist:
Well, well, well… Writing about our hesitant beginning with Book #4 yesterday struck a match of inspiration and activity. The Universe rewards action, even if it’s only a public admission of stuttering steps!
This morning I read about how in the first half of our lives we accumulate knowledge, ideas, and stuff —lots and lots of stuff. In the second half, we’re challenged to let go of what does not serve our soul’s desire to grow into its own authenticity.
Sarah Ban Breathnach wrote:
Many of us have unconsciously erected seemingly insurmountable barriers to protect ourselves from failing or succeeding.
Do you have an inner muse (or three) who can help you scale and/or deconstruct walls?
OMG! Audio? No way! Could it get any better than this? Hmmm? 🤔
As it relates to pondering and the accumulation of information, it’s not what we know, it’s what we’re willing to cut away and what we’re willing to focus on, to bring into the center of everything that guides everything else, that helps us separate ourselves from the noise that is all the rest of all that is…
I cannot wait to see what comes forth in book 4. Whatever it is that you capture, I know it will help other women who are facing similar challenges as the one you are so elegantly vanquishing! 😊😎😊
T-shirt: “God only gives us what we can handle. (apparently God thinks I’m a badass)” 😁
Looking forward to New Stuff In New Ways in Book 4!