“Why-eeee do people keep ahhh-sking —” Thalia tries out their new metallic paint markers, “if we have any trips on the hor-i-zahn?!”
“Because,” Nia dances in her chair, “they think riches lie — in distant lands?”
“In our studio… there aren’t any lines… except for the ones we draw.” Calliope stretches and surveys the room. “I’m glad we dug… and found… our acre of diamonds.”
Your diamonds are not in far distant mountains or in yonder seas; they are in your own backyard, if you but dig for them.
~Russell H. Conwell
Any little bit of experimenting in self-nurturance is very frightening for most of us.
~Julia Cameron
A note from LoveLetterist:
A while ago I watched a clip of David Goggins doing his thing -- pushing people out of their comfort zones.
His way...
is not my way
I APPLAUD his passion and dedication to service.
What he said was
"I don't feel like I'm missing sh*t."
Doesn't that sound like an amazing place to live?
Do something nice for yourself today.
Push a boundary.
Feel the joy of growth.
Painting of Scottish Highland cattle? A farm down the road from us used to have them. The shaggy makes cute, but the horns discourage petting. 😁