“Yuuuu cahhhhn do it!” Tal encourages Cal.
Nia enters the kitchen where she find her slipper-footed friends in a posture reminiscent of the glowing-blue, house-height mummy across the road. “What’s happening — here?”
Cal sighs and relaxes her stance. “We’re practicing… taking our space.”
Don’t fake it till you make it.
Fake it till you become it.
~Amy Cuddy
Our bodies change our minds, and our minds can change our behavior,
and our behavior can change our outcomes.
~Amy Cuddy
A note from LoveLetterist:
While watching a package of public-speaker-enhancing TED talks last week, I viewed Amy Cuddy's body language presentation. I'd seen it before. As often happens, time and growth have added nuance to my take-aways.
I find myself reflecting on how my experience was both different... and similar to Amy's.
I feel like I spent much of the first forty years of my life learning to be small, quick, pliant, and agile. Like a mouse? This is NOT a bad thing! Mice have some great skills.
Then... instead of "faking" my body into boldness, my body started talking to me! Due to a number of nagging physical challenges... after seeing a chiropractor and physical therapist... I found yoga and started learning how to strengthen, stretch, and balance my body, which in turn helped me to strengthen, stretch, and balance my mind?
A flip-flop of Amy's approach.
I hasn't been easy... or fast, this learning how to become.
It HAS been worth every single step.
I once came across a meme of a lion that said: Being both soft and strong is a is a combination very few have mastered. Right then and there I decided -- I want to BE that.
Once again the Universe conspired... After listening to “growth” I walked Izzie. In short order a male bluebird swooped down for his breakfast order! Now I need to start writing.
The image of your neighbors’ home is a bit dazzling. Do the lights remain on all night? I won’t try to guess what’s going on in one of the dormer windows. 😱 Does the towering figure have its foot/leg drooping down the wall? (I hope Tal and Cal skipped that part of the posturing.) What’s Henny’s thoughts on the decorating? (Please tell us the mummy isn’t one of the “inflate/deflate varieties, constantly drooping over followed by the next burst of air to regain full height)
I searched Amy Cuddy and chuckled at her self-description. Beginning with “pathological optimist” and later on “deadhead.” No doubt the Grateful Dead variety! With a PhD. from Yale and on the faculty at Harvard she must have a few things figured out.
In the second quoted remark she states, “Our bodies change our minds.” Her studies of “power posture” as a means to achieve life goals intrigues me. I liked your specific results when you switched from pt and chiropractic treatment to yoga. Being guided by the feedback from our own bodies seems preferable to a specialist deciding what our bodies need.
Off to the mat! 🧘🏾