Fueled by feeling, Thalia tames the wild. “Good mooooohr-ning Ernie!”
Nia clarifies. “Ernie is a male cardinal — singing from the tree tops.”
Calliope watches from behind as her friends walk on… hand in hand.
One day we will learn that the heart can never be totally right if the head is totally wrong. Only through the bringing together of head and heart-intelligence and goodness shall man rise to a fulfillment of his true nature.
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
A note from LoveLetterist:
When I first started 3mm here on Substack, reader Monty sent me a meme which I added to the "About" page.
A man says to a woman, "I like a gal with personality."
The woman replies. "You're lucky. I have several."
So do you?
Head, Heart, and the Bridge between.
I’ve observed before, LoveLetterist, that on random days a word seems to become a recurring theme with a number of other Substack writers I also follow. Today, in addition to some profound, clearly stated principles, “birds” joins ranks with other writers posts, also pertaining to birds, in part or in the main. Wonderful. Joyful. (Two words that also appear, translated, in J. S. Bach’s “Jesu. Joy Of Man’s Desiring.”)
I considered a comment on the Moon, made of green cheese (or so my vision suggests), and yesterday’s space craft landing. That’s do yesterday…
So I’ll scoot after noting that it is you today that is flying, gliding, and climbing. Happy Landings!