“I’m connnn-fuzed! Today’s title?” Thalia pats her begging-for-a-banana belly. “I think of Lucy as a lighthouse… not a ship.”
“Leader-SHIP… Lucy-SHIP…,” Cal opens the pantry door, looks at the cashews, then walks away. “Play on words… good point though… Lucy is a lighthouse AND a leader. Her confidence, and peaceful presence, tell me she’s no longer a ship tossed about in the sea of life. She knows God is with her…”
“She leads by example —” Nia glances at the refrigerator. “Brilliant because — nobody likes to be told what to do.”
Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.
~ Bruce Lee
Learn more about Lucy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INV3GVrWypo
I did not have an opportunity to speak with Lucy directly, but chatted 1to1 with her husband. He expressed true love and support for his wife. Together they have moved through eight years of challenges and upended plans brought into their lives by Lucy's cancer diagnosis. Instead of anger or regret, he told me of their deep faith, gratitude, and full embrace of the lives they have been gifted.
I believe God sends us challenges, so that we might learn and grow through our experiences.
Cancer is an excellent teacher.
Sign: “Lighthouses don't go running all over an island looking for boats to save. They just stand there shining.” 💪
(Rerun, but it seemed appropriate)