“Taaaaa-k good care!” Thalia massages lavender lotion into cracked cuticles. “Isn’t that a graaaa-t way to close a letter?”
Nia stands folded at her waist, stretching the muscles of her back. “An excellent reminder.”
“Because… when we take care of ourselves and our stuff… we exercise our heart.” Calliope wipes crumbs from the counter. “And when our heart is strong… it loves LIFE… All of it.”
We can only learn to love by loving.
~Iris Murdoch
Love is shown more in deeds than in words.
~Saint Ignatius
A note from LoveLetterist:
The song linked under today's image by Clare Cunningham hit me like a pie in the face when I first heard it. "Wake up!" it said. "Where can you take better care of yourself?"
I've been paying attention... as I pay more attention to self-care: cuticles, clean closets, cut-up fruits and veg. When we take good care of ourselves it builds good feelings of self-esteem that spill over into the rest of our lives.
My friend Julie Hughes often ends her letters with the phrase, Take Good Care.
She's exercised her heart so much that it now pumps love and generosity into the world.
Last week Jay Armstrong and I were gifted a One Line, One Love conversation with Julie which will air on February 15.
You can learn more about Julie here:
Today’s Clip2Comic for me illustrates eager anticipation of beach going in the approaching warm weather. Perhaps a smidge too slowly for the energy and enthusiasm of youth?
Self care and care of our surroundings - crumbs from the counters, discarded containers near our driveway - conspire to brighten our sense of being. It seemed that Cal swept the crumbs from the counter in seconds flat. Not an instance of procrastination. How many other of our “nagging tasks” can be done as quickly?
The loving teamwork of youns girls sets a great example. Julie B. Hughs is spot on with her frequent closing remark: Take good care! 😊