As a brisk breeze pinked the muse’s cheeks, they looked up at the full moon.
Alone? Together? “Muses? Are we alone or together when we’re the only ones out for our morning stroll? Are we one or many? Grrr… This confuses me!” Typist called and kept typing… The trio, Henny, and I delighted in the light illuminating our path.
Cal, Tal, and Nia’s eyes darted around the table. What is Typist playing at? was written across every pinked forehead.
Urania cleared her throat. “Typist? Are you… narrating?”
“Experimenting with inserting myself as a narrator… Yup! That’s one of our aims? To show that trying new things can be fun and potentially fruitful?”
Again, muse eyes met and darted. How was this going to work?
Typist continued… “The Angels had Charlie. The Golden Girls had Estelle Getty. There’s always a fourth? I’m your fourth… the storyteller.”
“And the artist!” Tal exclaimed. “Who knew two weeks ago that you might be able to draw?”
“Not bad,” Cal agreed. “Not bad at all.”
Sometimes even in a crowd we could be alone. Here's a quote I read this morning that might just fit.
“I wonder how many people I've looked at all my life and never seen.”
I like the development of your interplay with the Muse Girls! Unlike your moon gazing on an early morning tromp, mine came before bedtime as Izzie and I put a bow on our day. (I was tempted to say Bow-Wow…)
Alone? Together? Very much together! One or many? Three’s a crowd! (Especially when #3 is the cat) Pink foreheads, with or without inscriptions? Only mine, as a former Yankee now long-acclimated to the Deep South.
About your drawing and painting. It’s as if you jumped aboard the Express Train to “I’m Gonna Paint!” And zipping right along. It seems you have reached “Critical Mass” in all the skills to take a quantum leap on your current path! Developing richer character and inter-actions for the Muses. Painting - see above. Striving for a comfortable and effective relationship between you and the Muses for your writing. I’ll conject (active verb form of conjecture 😬) you may have heard, “Big oaks from little acorns spring” in your younger years. Or even today!
And so you are. Hurrah!