Calliope squeezed Urania’s knee under the table and gave her a don’t-say-it look. After Paintist penciled flutter and flower on thin sketch paper, Thalia encouraged her to add some color… which she did… and now numerous pages of the sketchbook were water wrinkled.
“Thalia,” said Calliope, “it’s beautiful. Thanks for suggesting we get out the paints. That was fun!”
Then she whispered to Urania, “Next time we’ll start our sketch on watercolor paper… or tear the page out before we paint.”
Words from Abraham Lincoln via Pollyanna:
Kitchen sign: “At the end of the day, we are all human beans. And together, we will rice. Lettuce pray… ramen!” 😁
I think your watercolor is delightful, dear ladies, and worth any collateral damage! 💚
"Pollyanna" Always learning...
Pol·ly·an·na | ˌpälēˈanə |
an excessively cheerful or optimistic person: what I am saying makes me sound like some aging Pollyanna who just wants to pretend that all is sweetness and light.
Pollyannaish | -iSH | adjective
Pollyannaism | -ˌizəm | noun
early 20th century: the name of the optimistic heroine created by Eleanor Hodgman Porter (1868–1920), American author of children's stories.