The hair on the back of Cal’s neck stood up. What was she walking into? Slipping effortlessly through the doorway’s small opening she started with a question. “Hey! How is everyone this morning? What do you think of the new coffee?” She drank in the body language and facial expressions of her partners in rhyme — normal skin tones, relaxed brows, hands resting on laps and tabletop. Hmmmm… “Who is the moron?”
Thalia and Urania looked puzzled for a moment — and then the light clicked on. “Oxymoron,” Nia answered. “We were talking about choosing two guiding words for the week.”
“And I suggested Quenched and Thirsty…” said Thalia. “We were discussing the possibility of holding two opposing states at the same time… like fire and ice in our veins.”
“And we’ve decided we can,” the Muse of Determination continued. “We can be grateful for everything we have and continue to thirst for growth.”
The Muse of Harmony wondered if she’d soon be out of a job. “The two of you agreed… without me?” Cal’s complexion paled.
“Oh… don’t worry. We’ll need you soon when we delve into sweet versus salty.” Thalia winked.
We make out of the quarrel with others, rhetoric, but of the quarrel with ourselves, poetry.
~W.B. Yeats
Yes! Love the short.
Huhruhhhh? Sweet ‘n’ salty are complimentary, not opposite; e.g., salted caramel, chocolate-covered pretzels.
Easy one for Cal to solve, though! 😊