“Doesn’t it look like Little Purple Ridinghood has bountiful, luscious locks tucked inside her cape?” Calliope asked. “I’m enjoying our art inspiration from Leila.”
“I was thinking in the shower… and everybody knows the best ideas come in the shower,” said Thalia, “… this is the perfect time for Typist to take up a competitive speed sport like swimming or cycling. The hairless experience less wind resistance. What do you think?”
“About the speed sport? Not for me,” said Calliope. “It did feel great to practice yoga at the studio last night, though. What we need now is strength and balance.”
Urania sat up straight and her eyes crinkled at the corners. “I think… I feel flattered and humbled that Typist chose purple for today’s painting, when red might have been the obvious choice.”
A word from Typist:
For those who’ve been with me for a while… yesterday marked three years since Mara left for the great marsh in the sky. Godspeed my sweet girl!
Losing eyebrows and eyelashes. Eeeek!
Sense of humor still intact.
And speaking of humbled and flattered, my friend Billie Short mirrored some of my best qualities back to me in her writing yesterday. What a gift! I find I want to live up to the beauty she sees in me.
In the vein of… what gets recognized gets repeated… I am reminded to observe and mirror admirable qualities when opportunities present.
Picture yourself wearing the bejeweled crown adorned with the jewels you write! Yup. I knew you could.
“Corners Of My Mind” set my brain to humming a couple lines from Barbra Streisand’s “The Way We Were.”
Misty memories, from the corners of my mind
Misty water-colored memories, of the way we were
While more a reflection on a past romance, I hear it being applicable to all the events of our lives, too. Memories of our childhoods. Friends at school. Perhaps our wedding day?
And sometimes the amalgamation of what’s in the corners of our mind surfaces! Perhaps like Nathaniel’s just-snagged large mouth bass. Fighting and straining to regain freedom. Other times like an actual watercolor 🤔 by someone we know weaving together the strength of a large deciduous tree with the playfulness of a dog and the innocence of girlhood. And so many more!
“Misty memories, of my eyebrows and eyelashes...”
Perhaps the opportunity to try on the “wooly-bear caterpillar look” I spoke of recently. Those dark, broad swathes of makeup can be startling on certain faces. Raising the tip of your right index finger to the end of your right eyebrow could say, “Notice anything different?” 🤣
Then Gail would go on being Gail. And her devoted followers would go on being devoted followers. “By the content of her heart.” Thank you MLK.
Isn't purple an incredible color? It is regal and royal, but also fun and flirty. I am with Calliope about speed sports, but yoga...ah, the magic in that practice.
You inspire me everyday by being you.