“Bold,” said Nia. “Using a quote from our book as today’s love letter image.”
Thalia looked up from her finger play. Fuchsia polish plopped onto a section of white paper towel. “Winston Churchill said, ‘The first quality that is needed is audacity.’ I’m not sure about audacity being first… We’ve all heard fools rush in, and yet, there comes a time when confidence is needed to advance.”
“Where’s today’s Thought Triangle?” Calliope asked.
“Too much sameness…” Nia replied. “Drawist felt caught by a beaver dam. We’re shaking the sticks a bit.”
Words from Typist:
One thing leads to another…
I typed shaking the sticks and in an instant I was back in middle school listening to The Cars sing Shake It Up.
I am filled with wonder at how our brains work!
The muse-wear shop is open for seven more days.
T-shirt: “Bookmarks are for quitters.” 😁
I bought a bookmark for Deb; metal, with tassel, engraved, “You are my happy-ever-after!”
Actually, I bought her two (there was a BOGO sale), but she gave one back to me, saying, “Because you are MY happy-ever-after!” 💘