Thalia stands on the pantry stool practicing her oratory skills. “Gawhhhh-nnnn is the fisherman — Gawhhh-nnnn to the seeee-ah!”
Nia corrects. “Lake.”
“Wehhhllll — It’s a BIG lake!” Tal shoots back, then adjusts her posture and places a hand on her heart. “And its fahrrrrr, fahrrrr away.”
“Missouri.” Nią detests the over-dramatic.
“It IS a step up… to higher competition… without a partner,” Calliope sighs. “Let us have wishes… for great big fishes…”
Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone.
~Billy Cox
A note from LoveLetterist:
I am quite certain I am not the only parent to recognize that our children are sent to us as teachers.
This week week the kid is embracing risk and setting comfort aside while he chases his dream.
Who can't learn something from that?
>>”Who can't learn something from that?”
Like, invest in an AirTag to put at the bottom of his tackle box? 🤔
Y’know, in case it gets lost?
Or he does?