The muses have been arguing about what to write for over two hours.
“A simple holiday wish of joy to our 3mm family!” Nia rasped.
“It was the worst of times,” Thalia swooned. “And it was — THE WORST OF TIMES!”
Patience thinner than translucent Vellum, Calliope took a deep inhale and coughed into a tissue from their second third box of Snotty’s. “Let us just be ourselves, shall we? There’s nothing else for it.”
We’re beginning to think we just might make it through…
Looking forward to the sweetness of health after sickness that Heraclitus talks about!
Calliope, Thalia, Urania, and Typist are ever so grateful for this 3mm family that has walked through an eventful 2022 with us. Thank you. 💚❤️💜
Eat, drink, and be merry!
Sign: “Scientifically, a raven has 17 primary wing feathers, the big ones at the end of the wing. They are called pinion feathers. A crow has 16. So, the difference between a crow and a raven is only a matter of a pinion.” 😁
(thought I should post this on a holiday when pun-adverse people are more forgiving)🤓
Merry Christmas, Gail! Hope you have better health soon so you can get outside before the gawdawful cold goes away! 💚
Merry Christmas y’all, from the sunny and chilly South! (I know we have no room to fuss with your sub-zero temperatures!) I would guess that being on box #3 of tissues may have your noses resembling Rudolph’s!!
I hope that a sense of team spirit has resulted in a Christmas Day filled with memories. Especially good ones. 🙏🏽☃️🏂