Nia flashed a tone-it-down glance at Thalia. “It’s not for us,” she whisper-hissed.
“Mmmmmm…” Calliope watched flames dance, “… It kind of is… ‘for us’… We receive such yummy feelings from giving it away.”
Words from Typist:
I’m at the clinic for an immunotherapy infusion today… grateful and happy to see my friends! It’s been six-weeks.
A nurse just came and wheeled my new friend Francis away for his blood transfusion. At 93, he’s still putting up a fight against leukemia. He and his wife Francis (Yup — They shared the same name!) had six boys — fifteen grandchildren — and five great-grandchildren. Throughout their boy’s youth, Francis and family enjoyed the wilds and landscapes of their home state, Michigan. Francis worked for Ford.
Amazing what one can learn in a few minutes. We parted ways with a handshake and a smile.
The only question from yesterday’s comment thread asked: How about sketching live models using Zoom? YouTube?
Hmmm… Something to consider! I’ve heard of a book tilted: The Answer to How is Yes!
Thanks Gary! 😃
"Amazing what one can learn in a few minutes." Amazing, too, what one can learn from cancer. Not that I know, Gail, but you do, and thanks for sharing your lessons with us! (Also, I hope you check out that intriguing book--I bet it's chock full of lessons.)
"The Answer to How, is Yes" has been one of the text resources in my Facilitative Leadership Class for many years. The students wrestle with the concept. I learn a lot.